Saturday, August 13, 2011

How to deal with this situation?

We all make mistakes, some worse than others, yours, was that of not showing others to respect you, by putting yourself out there. You are not the only one in this world who has done this, I have very close friends who have, and they lived through it, so just hang in there, it will get better, but like everything, it takes time. Respect and self image is very important, and takes time to repair once it is broken. The best advise I can give you is to focus on other things other than friends. Going after everyone trying to get them to talk to you is not the way to go, and running away to some other places will not make it any better. Coping with these things help us mature, for when we are faced with future situations we can have an open mind. Just focus on school, work, hobbies, and making your self be better at being alone. People will get over it, and the more to your-self you are, the better people will look at you. There are always new friends to make, and those who do talk to you, not caring about other people, are the ones you want close. The ones that trash talk you and offend you, you really want to keep away, because it is obvious they don't care about hurting you and they are of no good to you. Give it time, and do good. Keep yourself busy, this way you wont be as bothered by the thought when you feel bored and have no-one around. It will get better, but it takes some damage control for any problem to start becoming part of the solution. =) Good luck!

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