Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My boyfriend is acting wierd?

When I first met him he was really nice and gentlemanly and treated me the way I always wanted to be treated. Then gradually that all stopped, he stopped texting and calling me everyday like he used to, he keeps talking to his ex over the phone when he knows I hate it, I have caught him lying over silly little things a few times and what his friends have said about him isn't very good either. They say he is a relationship type guy very honest etc and loyal but he has cheated before! Whenever I go over his house he doesn't get off his playstation and when we are out he says he misses his playstation. I have made loads of effort to go see him when he has a bad leg but he doesn't come to see me even though he sees his friends who live not far from me. He also never compliments me or makes me feel good, but moans about anyone else who compliments me as if it is MY fault!! please help :(

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