Saturday, August 13, 2011

I think ive grown out of my friends. am i a bad person help me?

my friends seem so stupid now.i have like 3 main friends. i came back from summer break and feel a little more mature. but they haven't changed at all. all they do is sit around and talk about other people. and they know they'll never say it to the persons face. and every time i try to participate in BIG school activities they say their too scared and when i say lets go for a jog. their making really lame excuses and one friend. wooo. this girl still thank she five. she is such a compulsive liar. and one time when me were on The bus she told every one she turns into a wolf at night!!!!! r u serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when we were little we used to always take about have terrible the popular girls were . but now they seem pretty cool. they start conversations with me. and the popular boys are even starting to flirt with me!!!!!!!! and some times i avoid them be cause im scared of what my friends will think. help!!

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