Monday, August 15, 2011

What do you think of Adebayor's celebration?

I think he's a f**king disgrace. It just highlights how he has no respect and is just a money grabbing mercenary. If Arsene Wenger hadn't bought him he wanted be where he is today, he'd be rotting in the French League, and yes the Arsenal fans moaned out him last year, but rightly so as he said he wanted to leave from day one and was lazy and played awful on top of that, so he really needs to shut his arrogant, money grabbing mouth. Also, be warned Man City fans, although he's scoring at the moment wait till he has to go to the African nations, then comes back to cold Britain in the winter, he'll be moaning non-stop, I'd give it a season before he's trying to engineer another move to Madrid or Milan. The man only cares about himself and I'd love to see the overrated waster get a long-term injury.

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