Thursday, August 11, 2011

Am I A Little Deppressed?

Sounds to me that you need God in your life. I,m not talking about selecting a church, but i am talking about finding real quality time alone with God. I gather by what you say about yourself that you feel hopeless. There is hope after all; your worth the trouble. Satan has a niche for making an individual perceive themselves as pointless because he knows that it creates a "separation" between God and that person. As for trying to fit-in with your peers; its God's input and opinion of you that matters more than if someone finds you attractive, or popular. Too many people fall into the self destructive mode of cutting, piercing, or tattooing themselves to gain negative attention responses, not positive ones. Why, because what they believe others see them as they begin to "concur" with?. I'm telling you the unvarnished truth when i say that God's perception of you is far more important. And yes, he too also feels that your worth the trouble. Next time you find yourself secluded, talk to God, be soberly sincere in your questions; be humble, and respectful of what he either choses to show you, or tell you. This conduit between you both will help build others with other people. Smile.

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