Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are republicans finally admitting that less regulation, smaller government, can be dangerous?

Privatization is a wonderful thing....but I do strongly believe that a government should hold the monopoly of certain institutions and plants to ensure that all citizen are taken care of: such as banks, power plants, hospitals, and retirement programs---capitalism has allowed that people get ripped off by predatory lending practices, by getting charged an arm and a leg for power, and by private health care. I do not think that this is communist or socialist--this is just common sense. Just look at these companies that disappeared, leaving those behind who worked there 20 or 30 years, and taking the retirement accounts of those who had them away from them---and all that legally, meaning they got away with that. I find it horrible that a government supports such practices and really think that those are the things the government should control and hold......

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