Monday, August 8, 2011

Does she like me....? Girls i need help?

Ok so me and this girl named Jenn have been friends in school for bout 4 years. We are now in seperate schools but weve been really good friends. I like her and she told me she thought i was really hot i think bout like 3 times ever since ive known her. She has alot of friends and girls who think im hot or watever but i could really care less cause i only like her. People kept telling me she liked me, or they didnt kno, or she doesn't like you, but if she doesnt like me then how come they would call me good looking and stuff? we hang out alot and when im talkin to my friends she is looking at me then when i look back she looks away, plus she likes some other kid i think and she had like over 5 boyfriends since we were friends....i have no idea what to do. PLease help!

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