Thursday, August 11, 2011

Girl help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

...if thats the girls name...dont EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVERRR tell her u love her after a couple of weeks...or even a couple of days.....NEVEERRR....put hearts around her name.......umm...dont get completely obsessed with her...when ur kissing..just take it slow...DO NOT try to force ur tongue down her NOT KEEP ur mouth open...if she wants ur tongue in her mouth she will tease ur lips with her tongue.....make sure u keep ur saliva under control too...girls HATE sloppy polite but dnt be OVERLY NOT try to show off to ur buddies and be a total D*CK to her...umm...........let her decide the pace..dont try to to rush her into things....umm...........dnt try to talk to her ALL THE TIME...most girls HATE clingy....find out what she likes to do and take her to do it....umm....dont talk about guy stuff with her...NEVER expect her to choose u over hanging out with her friends just accept the fact that she made other plans....take the relationship the first date yall go on dont just lean in and try to make out with her...slowly build up to it....and b4 u ask her...casually bring up the subject...just be like..what would u do if i kissed u right now?.....if she wants to hang out...hang out with her..dont be afraid to take her around ur friends...umm...if a girl "bumps" into ur hand she prlly wants to hold hands...if shes cold offer ur jacket...or offer to hold her if u dnt have a jacket on :). dont be just walk up behind her and smell her hair..thats kinda weird...DO NOT...put pics of her ALL OVER ur locker...DO NOT drive by her house 5 times a day.....send her random txts to let her know ur thinking about her...but not too many as u dnt wanna scare her off...and just be urself...NEVER EVER EVER ask a girl to change...whether ur referring to HERSELF or HER CLOTHES....if she asks how she looks the response is ALWAYS ALWAYS ...u look fantastic....and if she makes u wait..BE PATIENT....if she runs up to u crying ask wats wrong and try to comfort her....BE THERE FOR HER if she needs someone to talk to...dont tell her shes HOT ....girls wanna hear theyre NOT hit on her friends....thats all i can think of for now...if u wanna tlk im me at hottblondeblueeyedchick....its yahoo :) good luck. and congrats on the gf :D

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