Monday, August 8, 2011

Why is it everyone i know always get hle and BS from black people?

Again it happened today driving my car and this motorcyclist cuts in from the inside doing double the speed limit and then starts mouthing of calling me a bast*** when its him thats in the wrong, the trys to block me in and force me out of my car and then punches the side of it. Now if this sounds like a rant so be it but, 2 months previosly going to an atm a black teenager on a push bike cue jumped me and a colleague and then started with the obscenities and threathening violence . Never have i been confronted by people of any other race like these examples which seem to happen 2 or 3 times a year. Now everybody i know has similar tales of anti- social, racist, violent happenings from the black community and if anything they are they themselves the victims of crimes from there own community. I think that white people are deluding themselves by pretending that this sort of thing is normal, and giving that black community the choice to be dysfunctional and play the race card for ever.

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