Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Holiday or Uncles Funeral?

If you were not close to your uncle then you don't need to go. Some people do not believe in funerals. I do not. I pay in private and I do not feel going to a funeral is needed. I say go with you partner and let you family know you cannot make it. You cannot afford to loose the money for the flights and hotel and such. Now if you were close then that would be different. Is there anyway to move your vacation date a little?

My cat is going to give birth in about 1-3 weeks any advice?

She is a purebred Persian, and the father is a himalayan. The vet said she is going to have at least 3 kitties, 6 at most. After birth, how should we handle the kitties? Should we wear gloves or masks? How long do they just drink her milk? What do we feed them after? Should we keep feeding her kitty food after she gives birth? Do we have to keep the father away from they newborns? if so, for how long?

The new fall out boy video?

this is such a gooood video. it is soooo sad. what is the name of it it is something like im like your laywer because... (me and you)

What do you think of these names?

Hm... I don't like Abbey Lacey. They're cool names individually, but together they don't flow well. Sheldon Colin is the same thing. Quinton lee is okay, but not particularly great. I like Lindsey Margaret though. it's cool and it's not... unfitting. Lucy Joy... it's a good name for a little girl but not for a woman... i think a person should have a name that fits them forever, not just for their childhood. Sean Patrick... i can't have an objective opinion on this... okay, the names are fine, but when i hear "sean" or "patrick" i think "troublemaker" because that's what it sounds like and i have major flashbacks of when i was 6.

What should I do about this?

At the moment i have 2 Alpine SWR-1223d subs powered by an Alpine MRP-M1000 amp at 1000 watts RMS. I'm going to upgrade my amp to a MRP-M2000 in a few months but my lights already dim pretty bad with just 1000 watts so I was wondering what I should do about it? Like a new alternator or battery or what?

I have a rash all iver my body that is itching like crazy?

I cut my foot and when it healed i got a rash around it, its been 12 days and the rash has spread all over my body, even in my hair and just started getting on my face

Im considering investing in a mutual fund. Which is better, Equity or Bond Funds? please help!?

Equity bonds register bigger ROI compared to bond funds. is there a significant reason for this? are equity funds more risky? Please advise! Thanks!

I have a 2007 honda crf 70?

I would like to sell my honda crf 70 it has low hours (10-15) i was just wonderin what a good price to sell it would be its all stock the inner tube on the tire has been replaced once it has been ridden lightly just in my back yard I also want to kno what is the best way to sell a dirtbike like craigs list, ebay etc.

How can i untangle my hair?

my bf is coming tonight so i thought of looking pretty but it is the opposite,i used softsheen-carson Goldys care to relax my hair oohh..now its terrible it has made some sort of dreads please help.am african

Is it rude to tell a black person that they aren't your brotha/sista?

I've had black friends come up to me on the streets and call me brotha and stuff and the friends im with are white and not into that. its embarrasing. i no they dont mean to be like that, but why do they have to act all ghetto and weird? how do i tell them that they are embarrasing me in front of my friends that arent hip to that culture? im not ashamed to be black, but i dont like that ghetto culture and i want to get away from it.

I'm after a good standalone player for myspace - wanting to use jay chou songs?

Go to Projectplaylist.com. There you can find most any song/artist and a way to build your own player. Then it will give you a code so you can embed it into your myspace page. Have fun!

TEETH PROBLEM. i have 2 fake front teeth and are yellow help!!READ PLEASE?

I had the same problem with one of my front teeth until about a year ago. I'd had a root c on it after an accident and so it was sort of brownish compared to my other teeth. I had my teeth whitened at the dentist and then had my whole tooth replaced with a crown that matches the rest of my white teeth almost perfectly. Crowns and whitening are pretty expensive, so your parents have to be willing to spend some money.

Help! I used a high lift blonde and my hair looks drab and grey!?

after being a brunette on a whim for a while, I decided to go back to blonde, since then it has been one disaster color after another. I have gone to 2 stylists, and neither of them gave me what I wanted, and my hair turned out boring. So, I decided to lift my haircolor, which had gotten WEIRD. ( ugly blah dark blonde with caramel underneath, and splotchy highlighted blonde on top with weird muted yellow and reddish pieces) I used Garnier High Lift extreme beige, to lighten it all over. The ends turned purple, and while the underneath came out okay, the whole shade has a really dull, DUUUULLL greyish cast. The blonde is boring and unshiny. No matter what I try using, it still looks blah...tried the shimmer lights, tried a temp rinse for extra tone ( fanci-ful) and tried using various leave in cremes, shine boosters, and NOTHING. Summer is almost over, and I just wanted my dark hair gone..Help! I look like a depressed 40 yr old housewife now..not a y summer gal!

My boyfriend is acting wierd?

When I first met him he was really nice and gentlemanly and treated me the way I always wanted to be treated. Then gradually that all stopped, he stopped texting and calling me everyday like he used to, he keeps talking to his ex over the phone when he knows I hate it, I have caught him lying over silly little things a few times and what his friends have said about him isn't very good either. They say he is a relationship type guy very honest etc and loyal but he has cheated before! Whenever I go over his house he doesn't get off his playstation and when we are out he says he misses his playstation. I have made loads of effort to go see him when he has a bad leg but he doesn't come to see me even though he sees his friends who live not far from me. He also never compliments me or makes me feel good, but moans about anyone else who compliments me as if it is MY fault!! please help :(

How should i order my playlist for my 18th birthday party?

The offspring Paramore Rise against those are the once i like from that whole list but Michael Jackson you should put that as last ;p or better yet not at all but i guess mixing them all up would be the best thing to do

In France, is Napoleon considered a hero or a villain? How do Russians view him?

So I've been reading a book called The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, which takes place before, during, and after the return of Napoleon from Elba to France. There are characters in the book who think of him as a villain. Do French people still think of him the same way? And what do Russians think of him, since he led the failed invasion of their country?

Legs feel weird when i lay down to go to sleep?

when i lay down at night to go to sleep i have these weird things going on with my legs and sometimes my arms? it feels like stuff moving around under my skin and moving up my legs and arms. and sometimes twitchy? is this normal? thanks jess

Rate my fantasy football team?

You don't have the best QB's but I think Matt Ryan will do alright now that he has Tony Gonzalez to look to. Randy Moss and Marques Colston are both in the Top 7 WR's of the entire league, it was very surprising that you could get them both in the same draft. Brandon Jacobs is a pretty good RB and I'm not to sure about Willie Parker, although I think Parker is in the top 20 and Jacobs in the top 10. Beanie Wells is a great Rookie although I don't think he will put up great numbers he will be one of the better Rookie's out there this season. David Akers has always been one of the better Kickers out there and I think he will do just fine this season as well. Indy and Tennessee's Defenses are as well pretty good. I think you should start Tennessee's defense and use Indy's Defense as your back-up defense.

Will we stop seeing charlatans hijacking scientific ideas to further their agenda?

Misusing scientific terms to gain credibility has been the staple of crackpots and charlatans for as long as there have been crackpots and charlatans. It virtually defines what they are. Interestingly, though, Einstein and Hawking have used "God" as a metaphor, yet no one has accused them of being religious charlatans. Why the asymmetry? Surely is because it is infinitely more acceptable for religious statements to be interpreted as metaphorical. They are, after all, empirically vacuous.

My husband is addicted to online chess. Help.?

have you talked to him about it? Have you told him any of the things you typed on here? I know it can be hard, but tell him that you've had enough of him neglecting you! It is neglect! My husband was addicted to Xbox live playing Call of Duty. He eventually just got over it on his own. After about 6 months of me sleeping alone, that is. Since it is an addiction, he needs to completely stop to get over it. He obviously can't play casually because his addiction kicks in and he will play for hours. Tell him he either stops or you two get counseling. Counseling is probably your best bet either way.

Pulled shoulder muscle?

Try soaking a towel in some Epsom salt and placing it on the sore spot and repeat as directed on box. And you might feel some relief and if not seek a Orthopedic Doctor you may have injured your Rotater Cuff or Labrum.

I cant download from i tunes to my samsung phone?

when trying to download onto the samsung studio i get certain files do not have drm rights or are not valid they have not been added to multiemedia manager

Could you please answer questions on these uncommon names?

1. I sort of like the name Ewan. I'm so glad you put the pronunciation though, because I have seen this name before and I never was quite sure how to pronounce it. I am not too crazy about Nastia. I think I would rather name my child Anastasia and call her Nastia for short.

Cannot cancel Print Job in Print Queue?

I tried cancelling a print job from a Brother MFC printer. I have a windows Vista laptop. The print job cannot cancel. I tried NET STOP SPOOL already in command prompt but still after I try to refresh the printing job it says access denied. The Status just says Sent to printer

If my dog had ringworm, would I know it?

you can get ring worms by playing in some weeds so they can't say its from your dog just keep an eye out for any thing to change but if your dog had it you and your daughter should of have one .. my nephews played out sound and every time they would play around this little bush patch they called a club house that got ring worms so we stopped them from playing there and they haven't had any problem and none of us have any animals so they can't point fingers I hope this helped you out

Concentration camps?????

What types of medial experiments did they do on children, I mean what did they do to them. My dad wont tell me because he said that it is too brutal or something. Thanks.

Compulsive Civil Control Psychosis, or CCCP?

I don't need the APA to come out with a manual detailing how Liberalism is a mental disorder...I already knew that.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm tired of being stereotyped!!How can I get girls to stop labeling me as a jock/meat-head?

That's weird. If you lived where i'm from, you wouldn't be stereotyped like that. I love jocks. I would never judge them or anyone until I got to know them first. Just keep being who you are, they're the one's missing out since they want to be immature and judgmental.

Why are they doing this to me?

because if u wear skin tight jeans, you are cled as gay. there. thats why they are doing it. dont wear skin tight jeans.

Do I have melanoma? I have a raised zit like area and I have a mole.?

I just got back from working a summer out at camp, I'm 19. I put my hand on the back of my neck and noticed the king of all zits, it was painful to touch, I promptly went into the bathroom to pop it. It wouldn't pop, and was scarily hard. I freaked out a little, and over the next few days kept trying to convince myself it was a zit, I'm scared that I managed to push whatever it was deeper inside of me because now it is fairly flat, but the skin around it is crusty and red, and there is a very small light brown mole in the very middle. What should I do?

What city should I start in if I have one month to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela (St. James Way)?

I am thinking of walking the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain in June. I have a month or so. Does anyone know a good start city for that time length? Also, any other tips or suggestions would be appreciated!

I am in melbourne. i like and love to share my life with mental disordered persones homage. how can i?

i am aged 36. male. skilled mechanical person, I always love to serve and take care for the mentally disordered persons. I like to work in the industries during my working hours and interested t o share my life with the homage. please give me addresses like this homage in melbourne. thanking you all.

Can you read this and give me some advice?

Pretty good! Are you on any writing sites? I would like to read more. I joined this writing community called a href="http://www.chapteread.com." rel="nofollow"http://www.chapteread.com./a I think you might find it useful. They have great writing tools and posting features for getting critiques and reviews. The other writers give helpful advice. Worth checking out!

Need Fund raising Idea's ?

Best of luck for what you are trying to do , search on google , check on some forums, put a video on youtube asking for fund raising, you will definitely find someone who can help you.

Exchange server issue?

When a user sends a mail to xyz@sen.ae iit is not going to the internet exchange pulls the email because our smtp connector is sen.ae and we have a recipient policy sen.ae. It will deliver to xyz@sen.ae if xyz is a local user of the active directory. How do I configure so that all emails go first to internet and then exchange pulls it from there? please advice?

I purchased 2 games from yahoo.My laptop broke,purchased new 1.When I reinstall same games,will I be charged?

I just hope that I won't be charged for a game that I already purchased. Bookworm Adventures was one of the games that I purchased. On my new laptop, I installed the free trial onto my desktop, when the game opens it has a few options you can choose from. "play game" "close game" Directly to the left of this, there is a tab that asks "already lisenced" I click it, thinking because I already purchased the game, then it gives my a message that my receipt will be sent to my email? OMG!!! Did I just get billed again?

Using medi-cal, doctors lie to you?

ok my doctor gave me a hernia examination (i am using medi-cal)..she put me up for an ultra sound..and they gave me one..it lasted for a good 10 minutes...and they said everything is fine...do you think if they found something actually wrong that they wouldnt tell me? like for example if they found some form of testicular cancer in my testis that they wouldnt tell me because of my insurance??

What exactly did commyrad 0bama mean when he said "We are not bound by our borders, but by our bonds"?

Is this Marxist lenninist trying to decamate our borders leaving us insecure and inept for our socioeconomic future that we have as a nation? I find this notion to be grotesque and anti American. I would say commy rad 0bama is like a little child. He goes from one room to another breaking things. he just does not get it. 0bama although has not raised taxes yet he is going to with this new health care legislation with increased premiums, taxpayer funded abortions and so on and so forth. This new legislation has me troubled. I do not see how possibly he is going to be relelected.

1991 Ford F-150 Custom 4.9L I6 RWD Automatic?

The engine runs rough. Power comes for about 5-10mins and then starts running ROUGH 5-10 mins I changed the spark plugs but still runs like this. I can start it up in the cold no problem. What other list of problems can it be?

How do I lose weight after having a baby?

During my pregnancy I had preeclampsia which helped me balloon up to 193 lbs. I have been stuck at 166 pounds for the past 3 weeks ( i had the baby 8 weeks ago) and I can't figure out why. I keep a calorie diary and remain fairly active. I never eat more than 1500 Calories/day and average around 1300. Why won't any of the weight come off? I want to get back to my 140 lb prepregnancy weight..

What do you think of Adebayor's celebration?

I think he's a f**king disgrace. It just highlights how he has no respect and is just a money grabbing mercenary. If Arsene Wenger hadn't bought him he wanted be where he is today, he'd be rotting in the French League, and yes the Arsenal fans moaned out him last year, but rightly so as he said he wanted to leave from day one and was lazy and played awful on top of that, so he really needs to shut his arrogant, money grabbing mouth. Also, be warned Man City fans, although he's scoring at the moment wait till he has to go to the African nations, then comes back to cold Britain in the winter, he'll be moaning non-stop, I'd give it a season before he's trying to engineer another move to Madrid or Milan. The man only cares about himself and I'd love to see the overrated waster get a long-term injury.

Are smokers bad people really?

is hating someone cause they have bad habits a bad thing? well I think your dad has a bad Habit of putting anyone down for not being who he thinks they should be. He should stop being such a critic and start liking people for who they are and you should not follow in his foot steps, If smoking bothers you then stay away from your friends when the smoke.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Does RSA know what T20 is?

South Africa is winning. I hink Australia doesn't know what T20 is. They have a run rate of 5.35, is that 20/20. At least South Africans got more than a run a ball. T/20 is more than batting, it is bowling and fielding a well.

University's in australia's prerequisites for entry?

i never got to finish grade 12 due to medial problems however i am turning 21 this year and am thinking about doing my bachelor of science (psychology) through distance education. i was wondering if i need to do the 1 year tafe grade 12 equivalent or can i just take a STAT test???

Doppler carotid arteries?

Having your carotid arteries looked at does not require a tube down your throat. It is a very simple exam where an ultrasound probe is place on the side of your neck. The only discomfort is the gel that is placed on your neck. If the sonographer has difficulty visualizing your arteries, they might have to apply a little extra pressure...other than that it is easy. You shouldn't worry about it!

I would like to set yahoo to use same stationery everytime I compose email. Is there a way to do this?

I pay for yahoo mail plus. I want the same stationery background to come up automatically when I click on compose. Can't seem to figure out how to do this.

How Long will it take to get 99 fletching and how much from level 70 on Runescape?

I'm at 81 I was going for 99 before I quit RuneScape, it all depends are how long you do it for and how focused you stay, one of my friends went from 61-99 in a week because that's all he did and he had the money for it(He did yew/magic longbows). For price I can't exactly say he was losing 1-2m a days doing it how he was.

How to build a pinhole camera out of a shoebox?

I love photography and thought it would be fun to build a pinhole camera and take and develop the pictures. I was looking at some websites that tried to explain but none of them really did it quite right. Does anyone know of a website that gives a list of materials and clear instructions on how to make a good pinhole camera?

What are the common procedure for a common physical exam?

I was bulimic for about 5 years and I'm recovering, but they might check you throat, but they will do your blood pressure, check your breathing, hit your knee with that little rubber thing, take a pee test and I have never had a blood test at a physical, only my finger pricked to check your iron. And my doctor never found out, and if she does then she is legally obligated to keep it between you and her, especially because your 18.

SItuation with girl: What do you think?

i think you need to forget about this girl. she is engaged. if she was flirting with you, that was her mistake in leading you on and she shouldn't have, but you can find someone else. and having a lot in common with someone doesn't necessarily make you a perfect match. just stick to the friendship with her or things will get really messy.

Tournament of Heavyweight contenders?

Williams tko11 Quarry, Folley ud15 Chuvalo, Bonavena tko8 Cooper, Lyle ko10 Valdes, Lyle uf15 Bonavena, Williams ko14 Folley, Williams ko11 Lyle...nuff said !

How to pronounce an Indian name?

I know of someone named Priya Patel. She's from India. How do you pronounce Priya? If its pree-yah, does the yah rhyme with pa?

Choosing between LVN and RN.?

I would say RN just because you hae so many opportunities afterwards...you can specialize and work in one area. Also you then have a greater chance of moving up in the ranks. Don't worry so much about failing...that is how you will fail. If you let yourself think you will fail then you will. Believe in yourself. A person can do anything that they want with a little ambition and hard work...just go for it!!!

Do you think women should be allowed to become Catholic priests?

Personally, I think they certainly should be allowed into the priesthood. The "men-only" status was a product of a men-dominated culture 2000 years ago, when women were often treated in a second-cl manner, supposed to only be submissive to their husbands and make more Catholics. Much of this mindset is still embraced by the church (wedding vows, etc..). Women need to be treated equally by the church, but it seems that the male-dominated hierarchy wants to continue its "good-ol'-boy" mentality with regards to this important issue. The church is in dire need of priests and women have always been extremely active in church matters and activities. In my opinion, the time has come for a change.


One, don't rush the whole making out thing. Most boyfriends never last, but if you DO make out, just do what's natural. You should wear some long beads. I think it would nicely compliment your polka dot dress. Perhaps very long, white beads will do the trick. As for hair, maybe this style? It's fairly easy to do. a href="http://www.blogcdn.com/www.styledash.com/media/2008/08/82167097_10.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://www.blogcdn.com/www.styledash.com…/a

Why do you keep forgetting who killed everyone around the prophets?

Is there a reason why you don't bother to look at those who did all the murdering, killing, thieving and deviation of your books?

How to prove (-a)(-b)=ab ?

for some its obvious, but i dont know why or how..i need the reason and the process.what axioms support this equations?

How can I get my parents to see that social interaction is irrational, and I should be left alone?

Tell them you're different from everyone else and it's unnecessary to change it. If you're so smart, how come you can figure this out on your own? I'm guessing you're actually a troll.

This is a survey question about hookers.?

The women's organization COYOTE (for Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) worked hard to advocate the right of a woman to choose prostitution as a profession (excluding those girls forced into it, that's not choice, that's slavery). They argued that prostitution is very lucrative, which it is, if you play your cards right and don't spend all your money on cocaine. The educated women who appeal to very rich customers earn more than surgeons do, sometimes a lot more. There are also female execs in the industry. I know quite a few women who enjoy , including s, and nearly all the women I know, feminists included,(younger ones that is) agree that prostitution should be legal. Please don't object on hygienic grounds; the working girls at the Bunny Ranch have had with thousands of men. They are examined weekly by a doctor, and not one of them has ever caught an STD. Condoms are pretty good at preventing infection. Please don't apply moral objections to the tune that it is sinful. I'm asking the women how many of you support the right of a woman to choose work as a career.

Mcd election result 2007 jaitpur ward?

mcd election was held in 5march2007,first time in jaitpur ward, the popullar participants were-mamta sharma from ncp,geeta nagar from congress,krishna bai from bjp and rajkumari from independent,in which mamta sharma was decleared the winner

Can I make it simple why matter is a form of light?

E = mc^2. Matter is energy divided by speed of light squared so matter is a form of light, mathematically speaking.

How do I convince dad not to throw me out of the house because I wont get any job where I'm ruled by authority?

No offense. But you sound like a whiney little high school/college kid who thinks that the world should revolve around you. If you are over the age of 18, and refuse to get a job, then your dad has every right to kick you out of the house. It's his house, and he can decide who he wants and doesn't want in there. How's that for freedom? If you don't want to work for someone with authority, then start your own business. Or go live on the streets.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

35 weeks pregnant, lost mucus plug this morning, having cramps.?

I am 35 weeks pregnant. On Halloween night I was in the hospital having contractions 3-6 minutes apart. The nurse sent me home and the contractions stopped the next afternoon. Now this morning I went to the bathroom and I think I lost my mucus plug. It was about the size of a nickle and it was a glob of clear goop like. Now I am having cramps again which are like menstrual cramps. Could I possibly be going into labor? I have a doctor appointment today at 3:00. What do you think?

Check Engine Light on 05 Saturn Vue?

My check engine light has been on for a few weeks. At one point, I tightened the gas cap and it went away until I had to fill up with gas, then it reappeared. I thought buying a new gas cap would help, but it didnt. I took it to Auto Zone and it ped their free test. Nothing could be detected...I am at a loss...What else could be causing the problem? She still drives well. Please help!

Is it illegal to write a book based on others ideas?

I want to write a book over the summer(but not publish it). I want it to kind of be like the Gallagher Girls Series, with a school for spies that's only for girls, but it wouldn't have the same characters and I wouldn't make any money off of it.

Can we apply for cpt exam after 12th?

iam in 10th . i want to do cbse commerce without maths. is it ok after 12th or shud i complete graduation

Running shoes for the mile and 2 mile at school?

think you are suppose to figure out if you run toe first or heal first. then there are different shoes for you.

Is the word 'JESUS' a name or a description? (I mean, a title like 'Buddh' / 'Ved Vyas' / Ishwar/ 'Manu')?

It is a name. Hebrew predates the Hindu and is the source for items 5 & 6. God is a title that is used as a name.

Is the moon really an alien Spaceship? Look at the evidence.. REALLY LONG question..?

At first I thought you were crazy but the facts are there I cant deni it. theres always going to be theorys about everything nobody is ever going to be exsalty sure about anything.

Who else realizes that MGMT got completely ROBBED at the Grammy's?

As people have said the Grammy's are a joke. Jethro Tull beat Metallica for best metal album, Pantera won best new artist for Cemetary Gates 3 years after CFH came out and they were on tour for Vulgar Display at the time.............. on and on. Don't give too much credit to the stupid award shows.

Should Uk reform the whole police system?so many complaints bot police! racism sky high+other corruption!?

The police need more power on the streets, and to worry less about stuff like political correctness. Whilst in our street they were busy enforcing that christmas lights arn't put up as to not offend other religions, a theft was underway 2 neighbour hoods away. And he got away. It's ridiculous, I can't even go out anymore for fear of some people, murders in london are too high, and I think I may have to move soon.

Does anyone else get sick of celeb gossip being mistaken for "news"?

I never read articles on celebs,football stars etc,as most of them have not done anything worthwhile in their superficial lives except abuse alcohol,drugs or whatever else comes to hand.Most of them should not be in the catergory "Celebrity"more like the has been, never been,never will be Z list.

Where can i download a completed save game for star Trek Armada 1?

Been playing this for first time in years but stuck on a mission(the most boring ever) and can't be arsed trying over and over, anyone know where i can get a completed save?

How to deal with this situation?

We all make mistakes, some worse than others, yours, was that of not showing others to respect you, by putting yourself out there. You are not the only one in this world who has done this, I have very close friends who have, and they lived through it, so just hang in there, it will get better, but like everything, it takes time. Respect and self image is very important, and takes time to repair once it is broken. The best advise I can give you is to focus on other things other than friends. Going after everyone trying to get them to talk to you is not the way to go, and running away to some other places will not make it any better. Coping with these things help us mature, for when we are faced with future situations we can have an open mind. Just focus on school, work, hobbies, and making your self be better at being alone. People will get over it, and the more to your-self you are, the better people will look at you. There are always new friends to make, and those who do talk to you, not caring about other people, are the ones you want close. The ones that trash talk you and offend you, you really want to keep away, because it is obvious they don't care about hurting you and they are of no good to you. Give it time, and do good. Keep yourself busy, this way you wont be as bothered by the thought when you feel bored and have no-one around. It will get better, but it takes some damage control for any problem to start becoming part of the solution. =) Good luck!

Chick lit books that don't require much thinking?

Can anyone recommend some Chick lit books to read? Stuff that deals with marriage, weddings, babies, couples, women's' issues etc. Books I've liked include PS. I love you by Cecelia Aherne and Expecting Emily by Clare Dowling...I don't like fantasy books or unrealistic books...Thanks

Men, do you like a woman with implants or do you like the natural feel ?

It seems like every other woman has implants, but they seem to look fake and phony, not attractive to me. I like them soft, supple and bendable. I do agree the implants look great on some of the women, especially some actresses...!

Why no love for Led Zeppelin III here in R&P?

Is it too folksy? I really like the album but fans of it are hard to come by. I personally think that album is Page at his best. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp is oe of his best guitar songs in my opinion.

Can someone give me the criteria for Oppositional Defiant Disorder, from the DSM-IV-TR, including page number?

THANK YOU!!! I need to cite it for my research paper, which is due on Sunday night, and I don't think I'll be able to get to the college library before then so I can get it myself.

Why is the Jewish Holocaust called "THE Holocaust"? It isnt the only Holocaust! They happen all the time?!?

Calling it "The Holocaust" is not disrespectful to the genocide which has taken place, or is taking place, elsewhere now or in the past or future. It does not diminish the horror of genocide anywhere. However, there is no place where genocide comes even close to the numbers of Jews who were slaughtered in WW2. Referring to it as "The Holocaust" tells a person immediately that we are talking about the Jews during WW2 that's all.

If the stimulus plan was designed to bolster the economy, then why do the S&P and Dow keep falling?

I understand that there is a certain amount of lag that comes along with federal legislation, but the Dow and S&P seem to be based mostly on speculative investing.

How do I earn her trust back?

I think that is a good plan since she doesn't want you touching her. I think your plan is a good one, you shouldn't have to play games with her and wonder if you two are going to be together or not.

US embargo on Cuba...?

I have to write a paper about it and I have to add what political changes have happened because of it. I couldn't find anything that had to do with government or anything like that, but I did find a website that talks about the health care issues that came about because of it. Could health care issues be considered a political change?

Why does the smell of dettol make me feel like barfing?

We have these anti bacteria dettol soap bars at home and when someone uses the bathroom in my room to bathe the whole room just gets filled up with this terrible dettol smell and my lungs and stomach feel so ... "bubbly"

What is the best way to clean a small aquarium filled with about 20 fry?

Just do small water changes frequently,, your going to want to keep the tank water as clean as possible to keep the babies alive

I know a guy that tells me he loves me but continues off and on to have this "thing" with someone else, she?

comes to his house to help him with outside work, now helping him with building the walls of his garage, vacuums, whatever and then she wants to have with him even if he does not reciprocate back, i am sure you know what i mean, then he will tell me that he just wants to be friends with her and the minute i am unhappy about her or anything else he goes right back to allowing her to....i amm sick of it, him telling me he loves me, he even says he will ask for a shrink at the v.a. i really don't think he will ever change, will he?

When is a stoppage ruled TKO vs. Submission due to strikes?

On both occasions the ref was already in the motion of stopping the fight while the fighters were tapping, so since the ref had already made the decision to stop the fight the tap was nullified.

Ciara didnt make the dance competition in tryouts for the new dance competition tv show!? WHY?!?

Ok, so what I know, there is a new dance off show to be either on MTV or national tv network ....with REAL A list celebrities, not B list....2 of the matches so far confirmed are... Fergie vs Ashanti and Beyonce vs Mya. and the winners of both matches will face off against each other. Ciara tried out for it, but apparently she is not good enough in one on one competition and she is too choreographed for competition and the network decided she is not good enough to beat Fergie Beyonce or Mya, so Ashanti took her spot. so it is rumored that Ciara will just be in the panel of celebrity judges, so she will still be part of the show. That sucks that Ciara didnt make the cut GRRRRR!!! What do you think about it, and who would win?

Why did/do religions punish people so harshly for heresy?

Because religion wants control of the mes and any heresy is an act of rebellion. They didn't want the people to go against them because they would loose their power. Religion is the social structures that has done the most damage to humanity because of their indoctrination and brain-washing. Most people who did genocide were religious, and the churches themselves have done damage to society both physically and psychologically.

Someone is giving me a Kawai E650 Organ, contemplating getting it. Need advice from experienced!?

Does anyone have experience with these? How do they compare soundwise to a hammond? Will they/this specific model work for blues rock? I.E Spencer Davis Group, think of the amazing organ sound heard in Gimme Some Lovin'. The heaviest sound I would use is a Deep Purple organ sound. I listen to a lot of Blues Rock from the 60's and 70's and alot of Sam Roberts and Wilco.

Caught Shoplifting need some questions answered?

I have a friend who was caught shoplifting..really it is a friend its not me lol. But my friend was caught shoplifting earrings at jc pennys in the state of pa. It was her first offense. The police were called and they just checked her record to see if she had any prior offenses. When they found out that she was clean the police left. After filling out paperwork she was allowed to leave. A few weeks later she recieved a letter from jc pennys lawyer saying she owed money and if she paid the amount on the letter that the civil case would be dropped(we think thats what it means). Next she recieved a letter from the local magistrate telling her she needed to appear to get her finger prints taken. It has been nearly two months and she has not recieved a letter about showing up at court. Only a letter for her finger prints. Is this good or bad? Would she have heard if there was going to be a case against her? Or if she pays restitution to pennys and appears for her fingerprinting is that all that will happen? Has she already been charged? Will that go on her record? The earring totalled $44 Any insight would help.

If someone dares u do u have to do it?

my friend dared me to let him hang me in my tighty whities on a coat hook. did i really have to do it? that was really painfull.

I think ive grown out of my friends. am i a bad person help me?

my friends seem so stupid now.i have like 3 main friends. i came back from summer break and feel a little more mature. but they haven't changed at all. all they do is sit around and talk about other people. and they know they'll never say it to the persons face. and every time i try to participate in BIG school activities they say their too scared and when i say lets go for a jog. their making really lame excuses and one friend. wooo. this girl still thank she five. she is such a compulsive liar. and one time when me were on The bus she told every one she turns into a wolf at night!!!!! r u serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when we were little we used to always take about have terrible the popular girls were . but now they seem pretty cool. they start conversations with me. and the popular boys are even starting to flirt with me!!!!!!!! and some times i avoid them be cause im scared of what my friends will think. help!!


im going to start the lemonade cleansing diet monday and i need to know where i can buy the syrup and around how much will it cost? thank :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

How can I reduce allowed amperage through a circuit without a cutoff mechanism (fuse, breaker..)?

I have a circuit which includes a 16amp rated thyristor and a 12v 100amp potential battery. I need to limit the amount of amperage that flows through the circuit but I cannot use a fuse or a breaker.

What do you think of my Mock Draft (rate it)?

My first reaction was WTF? Then I continued to read and realized what a gifted sense of humor you possess. Well Done!!

What did Obama say in his 30-minute primal scream at the GOP?

He didn't say much at all, except that he is in panic mode, because the House ping a bill was the last damn thing he expected. He was off teleprompter, and was bumbling as usual, and tried to throw the 'party of no' line out there -- it flops, since it was the Senate, with their party-line procedural vote, which has stalled CCB -- and then he told the Congress they were going to be working this weekend. He is worried, but not about the economy or default; he never expected to be this close to having to veto a ped budget.

Is there any filipino immigrants in sydney who arrive just this year for me to talk with?

I just got here with my daughter last august 23. I came from the Philippines so everything herer is soooooooooooo different. Kindda miss home though. My husband came back to his work now, so the silence here is so deafening a total opposite back home. Just wanted to talk with someone who undergo the same situation as i have now.

How do I tell my boyfriend about the abuse?

Awe sweetie, this is NOT your fault, you are the child, and that brute should know better. If you cant tell your friend then go tell another family member, or speak to someone at school. If this carries on someone, namely you or your sister are going to get very badly hurt, if you are not already. Explain to them what you have said here. You must be scared out your wits. PLEASE go and speak to somebody, or call a help-line if you can. Will you wait until one of these brutes kills your sister, think about it honey. GET HELP NOW. What about calling your parents, maybe they can come home eh!

History of the 1960's and 1970's?

Some historians hypothesize that the baby boomers became radicals, reformers and activists as a reaction to the consensus politics of their parents. First briefly describe the 1950s and discuss the lack of interest in social reform during this period, highlighting some of its causes. Then evaluate the hypothesis that baby boomers reacted to this lack of action, considering the development of the Civil Rights Movement, modern feminism, the War on Poverty, the New Left and other movements of the 1960s and 1970s

I downloaded a roo file but when i try to use winrar to extract it it asks for volume one what do i do .?

winrar extract .rar file mainly but if it asks for volume one than you must have missed downloading one. It appears that they are same in first look and people tend to download any one but the first is must.

Microsoft Word, adding a new horizontal page?

hi guys, got a problem here, im doing a flowchart on a landscape potrait type,i used the whole page but ive still got more columns to add, i want to add a new page, but horizontally, and not vertically down, is there anyway to do this?

I want to get my friend to wrestle me, but I'm worried to ask.?

We've been buddies for 15 years and were good friends. Occionally we usually joke about who's stronger than who, but lately ive been getting this urged to submission wrestle with him. I do have wrestling mats in my basement and Im think we can wrestle down there. I was also hoping I could get him to wear a spandex wrestling singlet when we wrestle. How do you suppose I go about asking him this? Should I try to get him mad at in order for me to do this with him?

Am I using semicolons properly?

Looks good to me. As for commas with and.. Here's an example; red, blue and green. No comma before and..

I think I have strep throat, maybe scarlet fever. I started antibiotics yesterday. Should I go to work?

My children were clear to go back to school after being on antibiotics for one day. (for strep) I'm not familiar with scarlet fever

What do you thin i should do?? (anorexia)?

ok you are underweight for your weight and age. telling someone who will get you help is a good idea. tell your school guidance councler but ask her to get you help without telling your parents. and if you get full quickly eat a fatty food to get the energy you need off of it.

Why Cristiano Ronaldo is a heartless man (C. Ronaldo). Agree?

I am a Manchester United fan for nearly 20 years. I respect him as footballer with great skill but NOT a person. Obviously,he is just a heartless man. Why I said that? He should thank you those people who make him a better player. Which is Sir Alex and his team, bring hm out from a small club and trained him became a world cl player. He got many top awards and cups in last season and at the top of the world. Shockingly, after the season finished he asking Real Madrid to sign him and try to make more money out of his fame? Shame on you!! You're just a money sucker without any loyalty at all. He is the heartless footballer I have ever seen in my life.Recently in Euro 08, he walked straight to tunnel after defeated by Germans without thank you those crying Portuguese fans. How self-fish is this guy? you can tell without looking at the Portuguese fans, I will burn his jersey right away. Sir Alex will spot another two or three good players,they will replace C.Ronaldo. Good luck,loser

What is the proper name for a jump punch?

I am trying to find out the name of the technique were you jump into your opponent and while in the air punch him with your strongest hand. It is a counter to a kick coming from your opponent's dominant leg. I think i have seen chuck liddell use it many times.

Choosing daycare or respite care for your special needs child - what are the important factors?

I am interested in hearing from parents and carers of special needs children: What are the most important considerations for you when choosing a daycare or respite care facility for your child?

What does it mean to sautet something my recipe says 2 saute my chicken?

Hi Fuqer, To saute or sauter something means similar to pan frying. I hope this helps,all the best. Rab

How can I thicken the skin of my ?

I am 18, and used to have a very sensitive glans. for the last few years, i've followed the methods of others to try to thicken the skin, and reduce the sensitivity. Now, the pain is mostly gone, but some things are still very uncomfortable (such as showering with higher pressure streams of water) is there anything I can do to help my skin thicken? I am uncut, by the way.

Do you know cases of Social or "Playboy" Nerds who are NOT intensive researchers and reach High TECH success?

...I can think of at least, a few...Benjamin Franklin...Thomas Jefferson...Nickoli Tessla...Thomas Edison...and a few more whom are entirely fictional...( Iron Man)...and a lot more, thanks to DC comics (copyright, TM, and all that)...I think the best thing You could 'Pan Out' in examining ALL of these individuals, was Their respective ability to make something that was, in fact, genuinely needed in one way or another, and that They needed a another individual, or perhaps a team... to make the thing work...and succeed...other than that...all I can tell You that no matter what the goal, teamwork will insure the best odds at success...

A riddle, you think u can solve?

First he takes the goat over to the other side. Then he rows back and gets the cabbage and takes that to the other side. When he gets there, he brings the goat back to the first side, leaves him there and takes the fox over to the opposite side. Then he goes back for the goat.

Help me please........................…

It was a mive intelligence failure. It is a Brutal mutiny. Nobody has the right to kill people in this manner. They have a history of 200 years and they have erased it all in a glance. Being a son of an ex army personnel, I know that the officers love their soldiers. There is a good rapport between them. I am sure that there is a master manipulator. Now, it is time to rise our voices. we should not act like cowards, if any officer is corrupt he must face the law. So if you have any special affection for them just put your father in their place. If you get the answer the killer is right Take my salute. You are really something. More than 100 qualified officers are killed and so e stupid said, the killers are right. What a poor nation......

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How do i ask a guy to a dance in a cute but cheap way?

the theme is Dr. Seuss. and if its something that relates to it that be awesome. and no answers that say just ask him straight up. i want a creative way.

Is this a good college application essay (a little long, but I'll give you ten points for a good answer :))?

take out the as such in the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph doesnt sound right in that context. Overall this was a decent essay, but decent is the key word here, I havent read many college essays but those I have heard of are almost every time based on "someone that changed my life" now depending on the colleges you are applying to this may be fine but if you are looking at tougher schools then I would scrap this ans start over think of something original, one person I know wrote his essay on the relationship a boy has with his childhood dog... and it was really really good and emotional, using words other than then the typical "lucky, praise" basic words that are used everyday! Again this all depends on what college you are going to a good one or a lesser one.

Beginner B Fishing Help?

I was bluegill fishing the other day, with just worms, bobbers, and hooks (simple rig), when I saw a guy catch a 5lb. B on a Spinnerbait. After that, I just got more interested in b fishing, but it all seems so complicated. Any help?

Clip in hair extensions?

If they are small strands of hair only about an inch thick then I would say no. If I were you I would make my own. You can buy hair from the beauty supply and buy the clips separately. Usually I make mine somewhere between 5-8 inches wide and sew one clip on each end and one clip in the middle you can make as many as you need to get the desired thickness you would like. All of these can be made for about $10-$15. Also if you buy human hair you can custom color them and even buy blond hair and pick out highlights and color the rest a different color. I have made lots of these to sell to my clients and they are very easy and cool to make. Hope this helps good luck!

Can someone please give me some feedback on my poem?

It's good, but take the capital letters out of the middle of the verses (at the beginning is fine) and split it into stanzas.

Clical Go Your Own Way Arrangement?

I made this in music cl and it took me quite a few hours for my culminating using Finale 2008 and adding trumpet, baritone horn, guitar, b, piano, alto sax, tenor sax, flute, and clarinet and it just sounds so awesome I'd like to share it, check it out here and tell me what you think :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftkIOCai-QY&feature=channel_video_title

Computer problem or game?

i have a windows xp, and just yesterday i tried to install a game, backyard baseball 2009.....the game installed, everything was good, than when i clicked to play it there is no mouse on the screen, nothing is moving, and it is like slo-mo...there is no way to play it now. is it a problem with my pc or is it just the game? other games seen to work normally, backyard baseball 2005, hockey 2005, madden 06, 07, except this one....is it the game or is my pc getting old for such new games?

What is the best platform for Forex Trading?

I want to invest in forex market.It seems more hopeful in future.which plat form gives the best ysis and free practice account with some bonus.I need real answers!!!!!!!!

Who was a wrestler that you didn't really like much but then you started to like them overtime?

There's a ton. I used to think Dean Malenko and William Regal were really lame but I cam to appreciate how amazing they are in the ring. Also Shannon Moore, Pope, Jerry Lawler, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Matt Hardy.

Does any one know any good books?

You should try the Maximum Ride series. I hate books but i LOVED this whole series i read each book in one night!! It seems stupid but it's really interesting. It's about a girl, Max and she has wings because of science experiments when she was little, and a gang of other kids with wings and other special abilities; Fang, Nudge, Iggy, Angel, and Gazzy. They go on many adventures, and almost die a lot. Hope you enjoy!!!

Is there a solution to this problem?

Is there a solution to this problem happening to everybody with a compact crankset. The problem is the chain rubbing against the large chainring while using the smallest three cogs and small chainring. Any ideas on how to fix this problem it's driving me crazy the rattling and i don't want to use the large chainring because its a 53T and eventually it just gets to hard. The cadence just isn't right if you have a solution please tell me. I've already taken it to performance bicycle and the mechanic said there's nothing you can do but there's got to be.

Girl help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

...if thats the girls name...dont EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVERRR tell her u love her after a couple of weeks...or even a couple of days.....NEVEERRR....put hearts around her name.......umm...dont get completely obsessed with her...when ur kissing..just take it slow...DO NOT try to force ur tongue down her throat...do NOT KEEP ur mouth open...if she wants ur tongue in her mouth she will tease ur lips with her tongue.....make sure u keep ur saliva under control too...girls HATE sloppy kisses...be polite but dnt be OVERLY nice....do NOT try to show off to ur buddies and be a total D*CK to her...umm...........let her decide the pace..dont try to to rush her into things....umm...........dnt try to talk to her ALL THE TIME...most girls HATE clingy....find out what she likes to do and take her to do it....umm....dont talk about guy stuff with her...NEVER expect her to choose u over hanging out with her friends just accept the fact that she made other plans....take the relationship slow....like the first date yall go on dont just lean in and try to make out with her...slowly build up to it....and b4 u ask her...casually bring up the subject...just be like..what would u do if i kissed u right now?.....if she wants to hang out...hang out with her..dont be afraid to take her around ur friends...umm...if a girl "bumps" into ur hand she prlly wants to hold hands...if shes cold offer ur jacket...or offer to hold her if u dnt have a jacket on :). dont be weird..like..dont just walk up behind her and smell her hair..thats kinda weird...DO NOT...put pics of her ALL OVER ur locker...DO NOT drive by her house 5 times a day.....send her random txts to let her know ur thinking about her...but not too many as u dnt wanna scare her off...and just be urself...NEVER EVER EVER ask a girl to change...whether ur referring to HERSELF or HER CLOTHES....if she asks how she looks the response is ALWAYS ALWAYS ...u look fantastic....and if she makes u wait..BE PATIENT....if she runs up to u crying ask wats wrong and try to comfort her....BE THERE FOR HER if she needs someone to talk to...dont tell her shes HOT ....girls wanna hear theyre beautiful....um..do NOT hit on her friends....thats all i can think of for now...if u wanna tlk im me at hottblondeblueeyedchick....its yahoo :) good luck. and congrats on the gf :D

Is the kawasaki vulcan 900 custom a good cruiser?

I just recently purchased a yamaha r1 a few days ago and I love it, but sometimes I just want to cruise.

Would I be considered a 90s kid?

If you were born in 1994, I could say you are in a way. I am a College freshman now, so I got a chance to see a lot of the shows that you have mention. But really, I grew up in the 2000s (which sucks), but during the 8 years of my life, I do remember watching Barney, Doug, Hey Arnold and watching TRL when Carson Daly was the original host! I did listen to Christina Aguilera, Backstreet Boys and NSync. These were my favorite artists, by the way as a kid. So, in a way, you might be.

For a low carb dinner I'm making shrimp alfredo (no flour). What else?

I thought to make some sauteed on mushrooms on the side but I need something with color to go along as a vegetable. Would rather not do carrots but what would you do as an additional dish?

Spanish grammar question?

When you're saying "my dad is a doctor and my mom is a nurse," can you say: mi padre es medico y my madre es enfermera, or do you need articles?

Question about player killing in WoW?

Okay so I'm new to WoW, in fact I've never played. I am going to start soon. A guy at school swears he will kill me relentlessly until I give up and quit playing. Is this possible? I thought I had to agree to duel or flag myself for pvp. I just want to learn how to play in peace without all the crap. He is a pries t.

MATH PUZZLE number 3025 if torn apart between the 0 and 2 you get 30,25 sum = 55 ^2 = 3025 what other # share?

Notice the 4-digit 3025. If you tear apart 3025 between the 0 and 2 and take the two 2-digit numbers formed by this separation, an interesting oddity occurs. The sum of 30 and 25 is 55 and the square of 55 is the orginal number, 3025. Find all other 4-digit numbers that share this same oddity

Is religion in competition with modern media to be the most effective at manipulating the mes?

Religion has been the method of manipulation for thousands of years but in the last several generations, modern media has taken over the role of main manipulator. Keep in mind that, modern media has really only just begun and its affects are already immeasurable. For example, my children are only the third generation to have an outlet of modern media in their home since infants. Three generations! That’s barely an eye-blink compared to how long humans have been sapient.

Columbian red tail boa shedding?

my red tail boa was shedding and i didnt realise it until the skin came off and he didnt turn i greyish color like my ball python and i couldnt tell i dont want to get bit again because my boa was shedding it is 5ft how can i tell when hes shedding please give me a source

Bowel Movements, 37 wks (tmi)

So this is definitly tmi but I would like some advise! My whole pregnancy I have had very regular BMs (almost to the hour actually!). The past 3 weeks I have had really loose stools or diarrhea. Now for about a week I have had... I don't know who else to say it but... constipated diarrhea. Every 3 days I finally am able to have a BM and after alittle work it is all diarrhea. Is this normal? I sure don't like it. What can I do to help make it alittle more regular?

Can I use my phone with a new plan?

I have an LG VUE and was on a pre-existing AT&T plan. My grandma terminated the plan thus leaving my phone worthless. My question I suppose is how can I, an 18 year old with no credit, get a new plan and still use my current phone. I would love to keep the same number if possible.

Villa holiday in Tuscany - where's the best place to stay?

Looking for a luxury villa for a family holiday in Tuscany, August 08. Would be interested in views on the best location - ideally with the coast less than an hour away.

What is the most overated metal album ever?

The albums I can think of that deserve to be in this catagory are:metallicas and justice for all,black album and death magnetic,machine heads the blackening,system of a downs toxicity(chop suey was awsome musicaly but the lyrics were almost as bad as a metallica or machine head song),any album by tool,any album by mudvayne,any album by slipknot and any album by avenged sevenfold.What albums can you think of and whats the most overated metal album ever in your opinion?

Is what i ate today ok? i'm 5ft3, age 24, slim, and active?

Maybe calorie wise it is okay but you are not really making smart choices. How about adding whole wheat bread and eggs?

Have I lost my mind ?

I am so dingy at 24 weeks I have lost my keys and cant find them !! As I look around I see my home is so messy I cant take it anymore today!

Help in playing diner dash2?

i am stuck in the level where tony has to pay the rent.in which bookworms confection it is addvertised and it is free for the children to come.i cant reach the goal.any tips, hints.i am desparate

Am I A Little Deppressed?

Sounds to me that you need God in your life. I,m not talking about selecting a church, but i am talking about finding real quality time alone with God. I gather by what you say about yourself that you feel hopeless. There is hope after all; your worth the trouble. Satan has a niche for making an individual perceive themselves as pointless because he knows that it creates a "separation" between God and that person. As for trying to fit-in with your peers; its God's input and opinion of you that matters more than if someone finds you attractive, or popular. Too many people fall into the self destructive mode of cutting, piercing, or tattooing themselves to gain negative attention responses, not positive ones. Why, because what they believe others see them as they begin to "concur" with?. I'm telling you the unvarnished truth when i say that God's perception of you is far more important. And yes, he too also feels that your worth the trouble. Next time you find yourself secluded, talk to God, be soberly sincere in your questions; be humble, and respectful of what he either choses to show you, or tell you. This conduit between you both will help build others with other people. Smile.

Aku punya kamus lengkap versi 4.3 tapi aku perlu code untuk mengaktifkannya,ada yang tau gak tp yg free y..?

Kode untuk mengaktifkannya harus pada kemasan asli, dan khusus untuk produk. Saya tidak berpikir ada yang bisa memberikan kode yang bekerja ...

Hubby is talking to tgurls online & I'm afraid he's cheating on me, how do I find out the truth??

He is a member of over 400 ts/tv/tg yahoo groups and I am really scared that he has already met some people from online in RT. So do I try to spy on him or what? Hire a private investigator? I am obsessing about this, I have to do something! Help!!

Is there any dealer / importer of thread rolling dies for self tapping screw?

we are manufacturer of thread rolling dies for self tapping screw and want to make dealer of our product in forign

Please Grade my essay! Thanks!?

i really liked this.. i was hesitant to click this question because im not in the reading long types of writing at the moment, but im really glad i read this. you should deserve a good grade :)

Why are switchblades illegal in some states?

I live in Wyoming and here they're fine to own. But I'm taking a long trip to Colorado and my friend said I cannot bring it because it is illegal to own one there, why?


as well as having 2 sprained ankles, i sprained my shoulder yesterdy. i was boxing with my friend at a basketball court (typical teenager jack stuff) and my lat punch i extended my arm as far as it can go (and gave a nice *** punch to his face) but after that my shoulder was hurting all day and i ***** play baskertball. i think i have a sprained rotator cuff bcuz i can really lift my arm up widout hurting it. all in all I NEED FREE EXCERSISES TO HEAL MY SHOULDER QUICKLY and if im wrong about the injury i have, correct me. IM SCARED LIKE A MUA CUZ BASKET COMING SOON an i wana make jv's

Connectgin Rode NTG-2 Mic to Camcorder?

i have never heard of a stereo XLR. i have a bad feeling that it has the balanced output of the mic wired to the ring and tip of the 3.5mm plug. this simply won't work. The mono cable should do the trick.

Moving to CA can i take my semi auto rifles?

I have a SKS(no bayonet, fixed mag) a ruger Mini 14,and a WWII M-1 Carbine, are they legal to bring?

Why do athiest say sIavery is wrong?

The bible talks about slavery like that? Wow, now I hate it even more. People aren't property, they are people. It isn't made right because a book says it's okay. Also, not only atheists say slavery is wrong. Most sane people think so. And that last one, woman aren't freed like men are? Dang, that god of yours is a total ist. No offense to anyone, of course. =)

Any women with a high testosterone level ?

I had similar results several years back. Your best bet is the endocrinologist. They will do a thorough work-up and several blood tests. I have hirsituism (male hair growth ie mustache etc.) and menstrual problems. Ask about PCOS and insulin resistance. Also, make sure your thyroid gets tested because that bugger can do crazy things to your body! Just be patient, then answers will come from the endo. Because you're ttc you may not get medicated right away, but you will be pointed i the right direction. Good luck!

Is it safe to discard the capsule and just ingest the contents?

i bought these 5-htp pills for my anxiety the other day, bu they only came in 200 mg doses. I want to limit myself to 100 mg per day, so i need to split these pills in half. I know that if i do this, the contents are going to make contact with my tongue, esophagus, etc. Are there any harmful effects of doing this?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What would be the best hotel near Soldier's Field and sites to see for me and my brother in Chicago?

Me and my brother are traveling from Anchorage, AK to Chicago in October for a Vikings/Bears game, probably be there 3 days prior to the game. We're 26 and 22 years old. We want to go to a hotel with a nice fitness/weight room, and we want to go to some good men's clothing stores that we can get only in Chicago. We love billiards/foosball, that sort of thing too, so any ideas on that would be great. We prefer to stay close to the Soldier's Field part of town. Thanks.

What Does Globe Artichoke Taste Like?

Globe Artichokes owe their delicate, tangy taste to the bitter substance "cynarin", a substance that has significant regenerating effects, as well as having diuretic properties. Cynarin is also a sweet-tasting, water-soluble chemical found in the saliva so that anything you eat after an artichoke will taste sweet.

What are the twenty best pre-1960 films you've seen?

Dial M for Murder is one of my favorites, starring Ray Milland and Grace Kelly and of course Rear Window with James Stewar and Grace Kelly.

I see people sledging with these big blow up rings. Where do I buy these and whats their proper name?

I have looked on google for blow up ring, snow tubing, rubber doughnut for snow, etc but still can't find one to buy in the UK. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks

Urgent Life help needed! A rock and a hard place.?

I think you need to see a psychiatrist for depression, and the drugs he gives you will help you cope with life in shcool. Trust me, going to college pays for itself three times over than if you got a job now and skipped out, you would be harming your financial future. It sounds like you family needs this.

My mother is making me file a restraining order against my boyfriend! What do I do?

Your mom can't make you do anything. Challenge her to kick you out. I doubt she'd really do it. Especially because she tells you not to get a job. That's her way of keeping you dependent on her so she can control you. CONTROL is what she wants. Is that what you want?

Why can i fall asleep?

I woke up at maby 11:30 this morning and it is 3:30 in the morning and im tired but i cant fal asleep wat do i do

What should I buy for my girlfriend to wear ?

I would go with B. I think a girl would feel more y in panties then in a skirt. The bra on the on B. would also provide comfort since the hanging cloth would stimulate her skin on the area and/or if she's uncomfortable of about her waist line she will have something to make her feel better. Although her waist line in reality isn't anywhere close to what she thinks and shouldn't be uncomfortable about it at all.

If you Had A Choice to take one out of three?

Infinite speed. Because you can't really beat an immortal, and I sure don't want to fight someone with Unstoppable Power.

I want help knowing if I am my best friends's Best Friend.?

I have this group of friends, I always thought we were really close, but now i'm not so sure. Ok so there is Kelly, Corinne, Bryden, Cody, and Sarah. I always thought we were BFFs! But kelly(who is really shy) didn't invite me to her birthday party, and sarah didn't invite me to her movie night! Kelly often asks me to take pictures of her with all the others, but never asks me to be in them, They have had movie nights without telling me, but i knew. They go out to eat and to movies without even asking/telling me, and I have to find out when they post it on facebook. I feel like they don't think im part of the group. When I tried to have a movie night, nobody came! I'll try to have a party on friday and pray they come, because I thought we were close but now im not so sure. Im invited to some things but not all and only if cody or bryden is hosting the events. and in a facebook picture of a party i wasnt invited to they all had comments saying things like "the gangs all here, finally" IM NOT THERE, I FEEL ABANDONED BY MY FRIENDS HELP! I don't know what to do! I have loads of fun with them and they do too when im around but i need help.

Is Ron Paul against public schools converting student to Christianity?

Because he really dances around this issue. He's made speeches about how separation of church and state is unconstitutional and he's for school prayer. Has he made it very clear that he's against public schools proselytizing Christianity? He says he's a libertarian but obviously he doesn't let that get in the way of his faith.

1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo is shaking and the wheel jerks?

That would do it since there should be NO water in the transmission...the reason you have transmission fluid...Also, I would say the the mechanic you originally took it to is Highly suspect...Shady Mechanics will screw up your car to bring more business...Take it to a dealership ??? Real mechanic will perform only the work you ask them for...When they solicite other work..they are normally trying to rip you off. Good Luck


I recieved 5 parking fines in the post ,all neatly folded in one envolope..all from hastings borough council,in sus,5 p/fines �60,/each..wait for it ,,dates from 2005,through to 2006,i always use disability stickers,how come the parking fines are not �90 each as they are well past the dates of soposedly given ,and why i not been taken to court ,please can you make my evening ,as they stuffed up my day,any ideas as to why the late dates on these b,,,ards, i dont �300 to give them even ,

How do I make my neighbors happy?

Pay for the vet bills for every single cat yours has fathered, and the vet bills for the mothers of the litters. If you won't be responsible for your cat, you deserve what your neighbors give you.

Help me make iced tea please?

my friend hadd a box of lipton iced tea bags and on the box it says i caN MAKE IT COLD. HE GAVE ME THREE BAGS BUT I JUST WANT TO USE 1 RIGHT NOW HOW DO I MAKE IT SO IT TASTE NICE COLD AND GOOOOD???

Names to call my brother?

My brother always calls me ogre and i can't think of something to call him back. I want to call a him a word that he can't pronounce and he doesn't know what it means. NOTHING THATS A SWEAR WORD OR JUST PLAIN INAPPROPRIATE

What is ranbir kapoor's cell phone number?

hi friends,i love ranbir a lot,plz help me out i shall be very thankful to u,plz any one of u has ranbir's mobile number so plz give me. i love ranbir so mush i have written his name on my hand with the blade.i m requesting to u guys plz help me.i want to talk to ranbir,i cry for him a lot

I've known him since 7th grade and liked him since then...help!?

So i have liked this guy since 7th grade, and in 7th grade i was ugly, but now that im in 9th grade, i think i have gotten prettier. Hes a football player. In 7th grade, we were friends, and he would bother me non-stop and i would yell at him, and he would mess with me. I thought he liked me, but i wasn't to sure. In 8th grade we lost touch and never spoke. Then today, we were in gym and i was walking back with my friend and he was there alone. The coach yelled something, and he goes, " Yea Alexia." and i was like," Shut up *guys name*." I was going to say something else the next time i saw him, but i was to shy to. Any advice on what i could say, or what to do would be appreciated! Thankyou so much!

Ibanez or schecter or neither?

I had the same Ibanez it was pretty great. I suggest going to your local Guitar Center and trying them both out and see which one you like more.

How long to find out if a death looks suspicious?

A family member died last weekend. He was allegedly found dead, lying down his porch steps as if he'd fallen. His body had been robbed and money, medication and other items were missing from inside his home, and yet the police did not suspect that he was murdered, but that he had died of a stroke or heart attack and was robbed after the fact. Two people were soon arrested for larceny, and today the family received a coroner's report saying that he had died from asphyxiation by constriction. Did the police handle this properly? Shouldn't there have been an investigation immediately? I don't even know what I'm trying to ask here. I'm so upset. I guess, what would the proper procedure be in such a case?

Why is Loretta Haldenwang not a good candidate for the Texas House?

I've heard her speak on education and it was a very uninspiring answer to an easy question. I've seen she won't release any of her work as a policy yst for a Texas house member. Are there other reason besides the obvious?

Are republicans finally admitting that less regulation, smaller government, can be dangerous?

Privatization is a wonderful thing....but I do strongly believe that a government should hold the monopoly of certain institutions and plants to ensure that all citizen are taken care of: such as banks, power plants, hospitals, and retirement programs---capitalism has allowed that people get ripped off by predatory lending practices, by getting charged an arm and a leg for power, and by private health care. I do not think that this is communist or socialist--this is just common sense. Just look at these companies that disappeared, leaving those behind who worked there 20 or 30 years, and taking the retirement accounts of those who had them away from them---and all that legally, meaning they got away with that. I find it horrible that a government supports such practices and really think that those are the things the government should control and hold......

Prior to Bush's invasion of Iraq how often did the leader of Iran visit Iraq?

The answer is NEVER, Chi-guy. There was a reason why we encouraged war between the two nations. And heaven help us if Iraq and Iran continue this 'brotherly' relationship. 9/11 will look like a trip to the park if this continues

My fantasy baseball team?

This team is amazing. The other players in your league must be as dumb as bricks when it comes to fantasy baseball knowledge if they let you get such a good team. Wow, I would say you are right. You should easily win your league as long as everyone stays healthy.

Week 8 fantasy football help?

Go with MJD, LT and Shonn Greene. He's coming off a big week and he'll split carries with Thomas Jones who can be inconsistent at times. Also, Sims-Walker, and between Evans and Jennings it's even. Both the secondaries for their opponents are good, but give Evans the advantage this week, although Jennings could have a huge game! Hope this helps!

Why won't this girl text me back?

Well...sharpie, i think your just fallin for this girl faster than you think. Girls sometimes don't want to come off as being desperate, so we try to make it seem like we r not, by not exactly texting back right away. This may be what she is doing. Imean she obviously is interested in you, she just needs some space. and you have to be the better man and respect that. :)

What made god change his mind?

The Old Law was added so that the nation of Israel would look and act totally different from the rest of the world and so that more sin would be among them. That way when one came to that nation and did not sin, they would know He was the Savior. Now there is a New Law as we have a New King with all authority.

Where can i buy/download this song?

probably of the itunes store or if u want to download it www.4shared.com it's free and legal plus it isnt too bad.

What to do about gossip?

I can relate to your situation. I too, have a tendency to speak my mind, however I'm not ashamed of my thoughts because at the time that's how I honestly felt, nobody should tell you other wise, and "if" that labels you a creep in their eyes then so be it, that's their opinion, if that person would go as far as to "slander" your image, then obviously that person has insecurities. Congrats! You have successfully gotten under their skin. Don't fight back, just smile and turn the other cheek :)

24 hour pee collection.....?

No they shouldn't make you do another one. I had bits of plug in mine when they had me do a 24 hour collection at 37 weeks. The bits of plug have no effect on them finding protein in your urine. If it's there it's there.

Carrots, to eat or not to eat?

i thought about it, cuz i really don't like any type of veggymonster, but i decided to try carrots, but i want somethin in return from these orange gremlin-sticks, so what good will come of eating carrot, idk stuff like proteins or w/e? tallness?, better reflexes? better vision? anythin at all.?

Rate these users based on their knowledge of hip-hop?

Madliberator, Annyrutts, B, Airyeezy, OG Loc, Gizmo, Ramswo, Wirfgu, MQ, Trylemma, AC, NAT, Bishop, Savage Cap, Mother Effer, Slow Flow, Chromatic, and Mm.. Madvillainy



How can i accept my weight?

Well, for one thing...you are tall..being tall gives you advantages like sports and modeling...and the only way you can accept yourself is if you tell yourself that you love yourself and be happy with your life.

Ore/mineral question!!!! NEED HELP!!!!?

What ore produces: marble, gold, silver, titanium, jade, opal, quartz, magnetite. I just need the name of the ores that produce at least 3 of these. Thanks!

Spongebob Episode Question?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew what episode of spongebob that is where he says "Spatula? SPATULA!" I believe it was the one where spongebob got a new spatula, the old one breaks and is in the hospital. They are reunited and he yells that whole spatula thing. I just really wanna watch it. thanks guys =)

Italy...whatya think? Cause I'm goin!?

Me and the future Mrs. are going in May, we've never been. We are going To the Tuscany area and surrounding(small towns). We are not into the bus tour nor the hippity hop nite life things, rather ruins, wine and art, historical, and really, the native lifestyle. Do as the Romans do kind of thing. Any things we should expect, good/bad? Any ideas of good pubs? Jumping out of airplanes or hanging out in a quaint lil' restaurant are ideas we are not opposed to. Anything information would be greatly appreciated......thanx ervrybody!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is $18,500 to high for a 99 Acura Integra GS-R with the following..?

no one is going to buy a 1999 vehicle of any make for that much money....no matter what the amenities are

Am I allowed to be Episcopalian, Presbyterian and Methodist at the same time?

Like what is their main distinct belief that makes them different? That would be useful to know also. Thank-You very much!

Are god and jesus hypocrites?

Can a person 'follow in the footsteps of the lord' and still be a human? These deities exemplify traits, qualities and emotions such as peace tolerance and love, and at the same time demonize traits, qualities and emotions such as lust, anger and hatred. Since all these emotions are exhibited by humankind isn't it hypocritical to be expecting humans to feel bad about themselves when its only natural to show your emotions? And does a person who only exhibits the 'good' emotions still not feel the 'bad' ones?

Which magic deck is better?

number 2 try running 22-23 lands at minium i think number 2 is a nice build with the umbras and beastmaster ascension then with the token gain they get +5+5 you run over your oppenet then the garruk i would suggest getting more of those to untap your lands you could go with out the pelakka wurms to add something bloodbraid elf which will have a nice cascade since a majority of the things in your deck you can cascade into

" The government in singapore ought to allow more immigrants to come into our country" What are your views?

man i suppose Singapore is allright as that country doesn't have human right services, humanitarian protection for asylum seekers etc. over here we all british are ****** up by ******* immigrants from all over the world especially ******* eastern european and asians they claim benefits in our country, each of them got paid �60 a week for food, free houses to live in, free healthcare.dental, free rail/bus tickets, they got hired by ******* ignorant employers, young immigrants go to university and each of them is allowed to claim up to �12000 from government to cover their tuition fees, **** our Britain needs to get the **** outta EU ASAP

Do it or not ??????????????????????????????…

Get over him, go on with you life and quit thinking about him. You are just a fill in girl for when his true love is not there. See this is where your head says one thing and for what ever reason you heart say different! Move on to something better, and will be his numberone girl.

Which Dessert Would Be The Best To Make For Thanksgiving?

First off may I say this is a very yummy question ! I would choose the spiced carrot Cake,because it is more of a Thanksgiving dessert and will go well with your turkey dinner. But that pumpkin cheese cake sound sumptuously out of this world ! I just may make that.

What kind of medical problem, if any, might this be....?

blood thinners are good for the 'clogged artery' type stroke (coumodin is made from leech spit ) . fatal for a 'leaky artery' type stroke .

How do i know if my baby is teething?

my baby is about to be 3 months old and i think she is teething cause she puts her hand in her mouth, i read that babies do that to give them comfort , she slobbers a lot .but im not sure if she is teething she doesnt have any fever or anything but from time to time shell wine like something hurts then shell put her hand in her mouth an start gumming on it how can i tell if she really is teething?

Did MJ, Billy Mays, Farrah Fawcett and Ed Mcmahon die of shame?

After Obama ped the cap and trade bill? What has this country come to, where the Government bribes us with our own tax dollars! And the Liberal Community loves being robbed by the Government!?

Do you think that by mid-2011 the tide will have turned in Afghanistan?

as someone in the Army, i believe we will be patrolling in Afghan for more than 15years, i think this is an extremely long term operation, and will end up being a peace keeping deployment, and we will continue to lose people because of it

How can I remove the white alcohol spatters on my car? can kerosene remove it? PLEASE HELP ME.?

There were blood spatters on my car and I used alcohol to remove it and when I wash it off with water, there were lots of white droplets I think the alcohol made it white. so please help me. Please be specific.

Whats the best bearded dragon substrate?

Shes about 16 inches long, so i'm not really worried about her doing something stupid. I've been using millet, but its just so hard to clean and needs to constantly be replaced. I want to use sand, but from what i've heard i'm a little worried about impaction. I've never seen her "eat" the millet, so I don't really think she would eat the sand. I'm still a little worried about it though. Whats the best substrate to use that still looks good?

Do England hooligans feel fortunate to escape the USA game with a point?

Afterall, Altidore was less than an inch from giving Team USA the win as the ball banged off the post!

Computer help please?

Go to their main website and click either support or downloads, and the drivers you need should be in there. Or go to their website and type in the model number you have for your graphics card in their search box.

Writing a story, but I need some names for a new country?

Sorica or Malight and if you need names just go to www.babyhold.com thats where i get my character names

Where can i find aur nova planet on spore ?

i need to find the planter aurnova for a mission on spore and i cant find it can anyone help me please

How to make paper mache ball?

I want to make soccer ball, so I need c o r r e c t a n d r i g h t round shape, balloon doesn't fit for it because of its bottom.. What should I use instead? Do u know any tutorials?

Anthropology Question!!!!?

Within each of the following time intervals, how did the species differ in terms of their locomotor and dietary adaptations and body size or brain size – if they differed at all: Late Miocene (7-5 mya), Early Pliocene (5-3 mya), Middle Pliocene (2.5 mya) and Late Pliocene (2.4-1.8 mya) ?

Ankle pain please help!!!!?

okay so i am a figure skater and i had recentaly gotten a new pair of skates becuase my older pair were no logeer useable and the lady that i get my skates said that when i jumped and spun that the boot was caving into my ankle and that was why i was having pain. so we got a new pair of skates and i had had then for about a month and they are all broken in and stuff and i love them but i am still having ankle pain...should i go soo a doctor? what could i have done?(its not from braking in my new skates)

How do you take a screen shot?

I have windows vista and from looking around on how to make a screen shot theres something about a clipboard but I'm still a bit confused. Can anyone help clarify this?

Did you guys just see what Ochoa missed? In front of Sven's face and against his old team?

Dont believe the hype!!!... then again if he ends up scoring (which i hope so for mexico's sake) he would shut me up. Are Sven and all the Chivas fans overhyping Ochoa or is he capable of playing as good as he did in the Interliga?

When is Chrysler going to take the Ram by the Horns and make a real game of it. I'm 62 years old and you have?

no idea how disappointed I was when I couldn't take one of those trucks and see if I could avoid being a "smooshed" truck sandwich. That is one way that an auto maker can stay off the dole. Hell, make the Dodge Ram challenge a real, rootin, tootin, door bustin Ramin Truck of a game.

How can I get in touch with a woman from Venezuela??

i'm doing a school project on Venezuelan women and the issues they face. does anybody know of a penpal program or something so I could email an interview to get some info firsthand? the internet seems greatly biased.

What influenced Abba's music?

ABBA's music writers of the group, Benny and Bjorn, were highly influenced by the Beatles and the Beach Boys. Not ity or drugs like these other people are saying :p.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How do you get your Sims to be vampires?

you have to go at night to find the vamp. it will be green or blue. then to make it bite you. u have to fall in love with it then it will bite you. i dont no about the robot, werewolve one cuz i dont have bon voyage

Will a 99 grand prix gt 3.1 work in a 99 grand prix GTP?

Ok heeres my problem I put a from 99 grand prix 3.1 in a 99grand prix GTP I took it for a ride it drove smooth shift good then I park it for it could cool down I started it and put it rev and backed out of my driveway and I out it in Drive and the car didn't move so I pulled the shifter all the way to first andthe car moved but slipped bad and then to 2nd and when you get into 2nd the car shifts fine unroll you stop it won't move again

Bushra Noah - The headscarf hairdresser?

What happened at the Employment tribunal? Did Noah or the Salon win? I have not been able to find out anything more about it and the Tribunal Hearing should have been over by now.

My boyfriend speaks in clear full sentences when he's asleep, even laughs and has conversations with me?

Is this normal? It happens almost every night. I thought that when people talked in their sleep it was normal to mumble and say things that are incoherent. How common is it for someone to be so clear? And I am 100% sure he is asleep when he's doing it.

Does Islam encourage Higher Education, Learning and Success in this world?

Of course it does, Islam does teach us to learn and be knowledgable. if higher education and success wasnt allowed then you wouldnt be seeking many of the scholars today, because they all went to universities to study and got degrees and PhD

Topps gum cards wacky packages?

came out in the 70s stickers of crazy household product etc anyone in the uk wanna sell me some dont want to buy of ebay cause there from america need to find someone in the uk that collects them that will sell me some collecting them for my son

I like this one girl...?

So I like this one girl and I wanted to see if she liked anyone and she said "that's a secret... Shhh!" Btw we've known each other for 2 years and have been on and off friends. Just recently she started talking to me again and now we talk every day for like an hour on the phone and five hours texting. She always teases me about stuff and if I like her or not. Do you guys think she likes me or not?

How to advertize my site http://www.creaxiondesigns.com?

Creaxion Designs is a full service design firm for all of your design and branding needs. Providing services at affordable pricing to make the sub ground roots of the new business stronger and beautifying the looks, eye catching creativity. http://www.creaxiondesigns.com

Would sand collored UGGS look good with grey jeans?

I dont have ANNNYY black shoes and im trying to make due with my sand colored uggs. im not really sure if they look good with grey jeans though...they are grey skinny jeans, short uggs, and a purple and black lumberjack shirt... HELPP!!??

Shrimp in seafood enchiladas?

I want to make some seafood enchiladas, but I am a little curious about the shrimp. I know the worst thing you can do to seafood is overcook it. So are you actually supposed to cook the shrimp first before you roll them up and heat them in the oven for a half hour?

MIO DigiWalker GPS nav. unit, How good is it?

The one on Pepboys catalog on special for $79.98 (regular price $229.99), It doesn't mention the model number so I presume it's the entry level!

Do you think that conservatives are trying.........?

.......to exterminate s? Like caust, or something of that order. Connies have been acting strange lately, I think they're coming for the s!

Good heavy metal bands to listen to and their best songs?

Metallica- Master of puppets and Blackened, Slipknot- Pulse of the maggots and All hope is gone, Godsmack- I stand alone and I f*cking hate you, sorry thats all i can think of rite now. MMEEETTAL!!!

How do you find someone with such a common name?

his name is John Smith. all i know is his round-about age, that hes creole and has green eyes and might have been born in new orleans but moved to california soon after.... he's my brothers father. he should be in his 60's.

Opinion on a baby girl name...?

I don't like Pacey, it's too boyish and cutesy and I can't really imagine anyone over the age of 5 being named that. What about Casey, Macey, Stacey or Tracey?

Mario 64 vs Ocarina of Time?

imagine yourself back at the n64 days,you have a choice of either buying mario 64 or OoT and u had to pick that very instant.Which one will u choose and why?

Orangutans stronger than Gorillas?

It probably is pound for pound, as every animal is different. As in one of the comments, ants are pretty strong. They can carry much more than what they way on their own. =D The orangutan is pretty strong, mostly because it's arboreal, and hangs from trees, and lives in the tree's, causing it to have some pretty good upper body strength. The orangutan is smaller than the silver-back gorilla, however, meaning it would weigh less. The silver-back gorilla is much larger, and weighs a bit more. They are pretty strong as well, because they are bigger, and weigh more. It would pretty unfair to say whom is stronger just because they can do something better. If an ant, a gorilla, and an orangutan would be the same size, the ant would win, because of it's amazing ability to carry much more than what it weighs. =D You do learn something new everyday.

What do we mean by the phrase "payable to order"?

These phrases are in context of negotiable instruments. In my academic book it's only given as " A note, bill or cheque is payable to order which is expressed to be 'payable to a particular person or his order'."

Does the San Francisco Botanical Garden have an "off-season"?

I'd love to go there sometime with a few friends, but preferably when there's not a lot of people there. I've never even been to that part of Golden Gate Park though...so are there usually a lot of people at the Garden? Educate me :]

Why is it everyone i know always get hle and BS from black people?

Again it happened today driving my car and this motorcyclist cuts in from the inside doing double the speed limit and then starts mouthing of calling me a bast*** when its him thats in the wrong, the trys to block me in and force me out of my car and then punches the side of it. Now if this sounds like a rant so be it but, 2 months previosly going to an atm a black teenager on a push bike cue jumped me and a colleague and then started with the obscenities and threathening violence . Never have i been confronted by people of any other race like these examples which seem to happen 2 or 3 times a year. Now everybody i know has similar tales of anti- social, racist, violent happenings from the black community and if anything they are they themselves the victims of crimes from there own community. I think that white people are deluding themselves by pretending that this sort of thing is normal, and giving that black community the choice to be dysfunctional and play the race card for ever.

Help with baby names!!!!?

I am having triplets in 2 months and it is 1 boy and 2 girls. I already have some names picked out but im still trying to find just the right names. So far for the boy i have Matthew James or Hunter James. I like James as the middle name because that is my dads name. For the girls I have Mackynzie Brynn (i really like that spelling of Mackynzie) and Alexandria Grace. But i am open to different names are would really appreciate the help. Just nothing too out there =]. Thanks!

Should I get a degree in film?

If you're going to do it, go to a film school. Like the LA Film, or even UCLA, that will help you with contacts. The University of North Texas wouldn't give you very many opportunities

Does she like me....? Girls i need help?

Ok so me and this girl named Jenn have been friends in school for bout 4 years. We are now in seperate schools but weve been really good friends. I like her and she told me she thought i was really hot i think bout like 3 times ever since ive known her. She has alot of friends and girls who think im hot or watever but i could really care less cause i only like her. People kept telling me she liked me, or they didnt kno, or she doesn't like you, but if she doesnt like me then how come they would call me good looking and stuff? we hang out alot and when im talkin to my friends she is looking at me then when i look back she looks away, plus she likes some other kid i think and she had like over 5 boyfriends since we were friends....i have no idea what to do. PLease help!

Is Arturo Arroyo a Mexican?

There's this kid in my cl named arturo and i'm not sure what race he is....I wanna know is he a mexican? Or what is he

Several months ago, I read an article concerning the birthplace of Obama. It was never answered.?

I would like to know if he ever produced an official birth certificate for being born in the U.S. Anyone know? His bio stated his childhood was in Indonesia and partly raised in Hawaii, but not where he was born. A presidential candidate must have been native born in the U.S., according to the Constitution.

Can I use a boost mobile "Incognito" on my sprint network?

I have a sprint family everything plan. I have a rumor 2 atm, and I want the incognito.. Could I buy a Boost mobile incognitop for 129.99 and use it on my sprint plan?

I had a Hypoglycemic attack today?

yes ,, Was just the fact you had not eaten... nothing to do with the test . I have felt like that a couple of times ,, eat some chocolate and it goes . If you do it again take something with you and eat as soon as the test is done .don't worry .

Is this hypocrisy or what?

No, it is not hypocrisy. James Carvell and Stephanopoulos did not have extra-marital affairs (as far as I'm aware). Hypocrisy is engaging in extra-marital affairs while and shortly following criticizing Clinton's extra-marital affairs, like former Speaker Gingrich and former Senator Ensign did.

I Recived Email From psmaNet Inc. New York, NY 10163 shah will be paid $1 Million dollars Right OR Rong mail.?

Unfortunately, the email sounds like a scam to steal credit card numbers. Your best option would be to discontinue all communication with this company.

Is the Xbox 360 headset good for singing(GH: WT and M) or should I buy the real mic?

I know my singing prowess is not as strong as James Hetfield, but I should be able to get the pitch right if I tried. I was using the mic because the game said I could use it, but the mic won't pick up my voice good. I'm always out of pitch no matter how much I try. Hell, I tried singing Rock Band on my friend's Wii(With the real mic) and I was better at it than using the small 360 mic. Any ideas?

How do you refer to the "Inland Empire" in Spanish?

Inland Empire is used to refer to the area including San Bernardino Riverside Ontario etc. How do you translate that term into Spanish? I dont mean translate the word.... I mean whats used in the monolingual community to refer to this area.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Math word problem; tell answer and how you got it.?

the big screamer coaster carries 92 people altogether. some of its cars carry 4 pengers, and the rest carry 6 pengers. there are 3 less 6-penger cars than 4-penger cars. how many 4-penger cars are there?

Kitten w/ runny stools?

A negative fecal exam does not necessarily mean there are no parasites present. Various diarrhea-causing protozoa, for example, coccidia, can be missed on such an exam. You might want to ask a vet about trying a round of anti-protozoal medication (different than a de-wormer or antibiotic). There are other possibilities as well, with the list ranging from most-likely to least-likely causes. And by the way, the answer might be as simple as switching to a regular old dry-kibble kitten food. Be mindful that the kitten doesn't become dehydrated from the diarrhea (this can sneak up on him fast) while you are trying to sort out the cause. Best of luck to you. Hope the little guy gets over it soon.

Should we go with her since she's paying?

tell her you would love to go, but the timing is just bad for you. He has a job that he has to finish today before starting another one tomorrow. These people are depending on him to do the job he said he would do. If he disappoints them in order to go to an amusement park, this will reflect badly on him and they may give him bad feedback to others who might employ him in the future. The weather is possibly not going to cooperate. Maybe another time when the weather is better and there isn't so much going on would be the wiser decision.

What do these numbers mean?

Im trying to buy led lights to mod my xbox 360 controller, like this, a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Aqc6OZkm60&feature=related" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Aqc6OZkm…/a . Just the ring of light in the middle. Ive found a seller on ebay selling an 80 pc set of LEDs but some of them are not 0603 LEDs, which i believe refers to the size of the led, but im not sure. some of the lights he is selling are called as 5050 leds. this is his ad, a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/0603-Ultra-Bright-8-Color-SMD-LED-PKG-80-pcs_W0QQitemZ200379023674QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2ea785413a" rel="nofollow"http://cgi.ebay.com/0603-Ultra-Bright-8-…/a . if you could give me some info about what lights i need for this mod id be eternally grateful. Thanks

Can you turn an airsoft vest into a real bulletproof vest?

Would you really trust a "homemade" bullet proof vest? If yes, you should make a homemade parachute too!!

I need help interpreting,this dream,I dreamt my sister and an ex girlfriend of mine (who I haven't seen fo?

For about 15yrs) we were all walking and we came to a lake that has a cave and we saw a fish,swimming by itself in the lake.This fish had a sunflower on its back which surprised me and I wanted to go inside d lake and catch d fish with my hands but was kinda scared ,then later the fish swarm in between two rocks and got stock and managed to wriggle its way out and d sunflower on its back was wrinkled and later fell off its back as d fish swarm towards me the sunflower,fell off its back and started floating on the water and then I woke up from my dream.Van someone pls interpret this for me?

What piano music should I invest in?

I'm going to college, and I need to know what piano music I can get while I can still get it cheap from the local music store. I have WTC Book I, Complete Beethoven Sonatas, Complete Chopin Etudes and Scherzi, Liszt Concert Etudes, Schumann's Fantasiestueck, and all the Rachmaninoff Preludes, along with other random stuff. What would be a good investment before college?

What form do I file my local income tax on? 1040? 540? Both?

I received my W2 form and noticed I have local income tax in box 19. I have never had a locality tax before and am unsure of how to report it. Do I add it with the state tax? Any information would be helpful. I work for the City of San Francisco and reside in Oakland if that makes a difference.

Why are the older pyramids more preserved than the later ones?

I know that the outer limestone casing of the Great Pyramid was actually used centuries later as a quarry and I suspect that is what happened to other pyramids. Those that came along long after the pyramids were built didn't see them as monuments to the departed pharaohs, instead they saw them as a cheap and inexpensive quarry for limestone, and even the granite below if they could get away with it. Why go into a stone quarry and do back breaking labor carving out the stone when it's already been done and can just be carted away. They didn't care what they were disturbing, just so long as they got their stone.

What are the isomers?

Thermochromic behaviour of Diethylammonium tetrachlorocuprate (II) occurs because of geometrical isomerisation. Two isomers are possible for a metal complex which is 4-coordinate. What are the structures for these geometrical isomers??

I am really confused and need your advice...?

It seems pretty obvious that you both have a crush on each other. Ask him if he still wants that night together, and if he does, you may have a new bf.

Picking the bed in my dorm?

I go off to college soon and I get first dibs on picking the bed and the desk. Is there any advice for picking them? Like should I pick the bed close to the window or far away from the window, close to the door or far away, etc. I just don't wanna regret my choice later. thanks!

Is ohio state NROTC program good?

I will be doing NROTC and i have heard that some NROTC programs are better then others. Does anyone know how the NROTC program at Ohio State University is?

What does this shakesphere sentance mean from Othello... Iago speaks it...?

"That's how I always do it, getting money from fools. I'd be wasting my skills dealing with an idiot like that if I couldn't get something useful out of him."

We've Finally Picked Their Names!!?

We're expecting our third and fourth (twins!) children, a boy and a girl, in early February! We've chosen the names Audrey Grace and Eric James. What do you think? Do they go well together? Our two older children are Kari Elizabeth (said like Carrie) and Jacob Daniel. What do you think of all of their names together? Do they sound like they could be siblings?

What position should i play for my high school football team?

I am 5'9 i weigh 140 pound i used to play Strong Safety Wide Reciever Running Back, and i was the wildcat quarter back but that was when i was a freshman it is about to be my senior year so should i just stick to running back, play safety, or what?

Astronomy physics questions I need answering urgently please.?

Hm. That sounds like a fairly respectable sopre astronomy test. Answering the first question requires that you understand spherical trigonometry (or just find and apply the formulas) and coordinate transformations. You might also need to reduce the orbital elements of Earth and Venus to determine the right ascension and declination of the sun and Venus on a specific date. I could do those things for you, but you really ought to do them yourself. I'd not help a woman seeking to become a firefighter over the obstacle course wall, either, even though it might be the one time she'd let me put my hands on her .

High pregnancy-related blood pressure question...?

This is my first pregnancy so I haven't experienced this, but I can easily tell you each doctor is different. If you'd like a solid answer I'd ask your doctor, she can tell you.

How do you get your I.D. so you can track UPS shipping?

i ordered shoes off of CCS.COM on wednesday febuary 18th 09 its now febuary 24th 09. CCS has a thing that if you spend over 75$ you get free shipping. Now im uming that the "Free Shipping" is standard shipping which is usually 5-10 days. i want to know how you get Your Id to track the shipping of my shoes. Does anyone know?

Med School Acceptance?

It is better to attend Stony Brook so that you will pay less money and probably find it easier to earn higher grades. Stony Brook has a good enough reputation that many medical schools will prefer a student with a 3.8 GPA earned there, rather than a student who earned a 3.6 GPA at NYU.

How can you make Altair's hidden blade mechanism?

For real, it is possible, but not without triggers and expensive stuff. basically, as your hand goes back, it pushes back a trigger that sets off some gears that push it out, and a spring load to push it back in as your hand moves off the trigger. Although it is possible, it requires lots of skill to make.

I am looking for list names of the executioners (hangman) for 1900s. ex relative was one and need info?

i have been told that my gt nans 2nd husband was the man who put the noose round the neck and hung people but i cant find info on this. i want to find any info on this man . his surname was brenchley and i believe he was also a policeman back in late 1890s or 1900s.

Any one now a train ticket website?

like im trying 2 fin a train website that sells tickets. if i want to go to los angeles (CA) from san francisco (CA) what stop do i stop at one near burbank los angeles

Top SYTYCD hip hop dances in ur opinion?

What is your favorite hip hop dance from any season of So You Think You Can Dance? I think my favorite would be Jeanine and Ade's Move (If You Wanna). I want hip hop theme ideas, and SYTYCD always had awesome ones.

Could modern technology put Humpty back together again?

All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty back together again... And that's saying something...

P&Sers...would you give up "eternal life" with your god if your god required of you such a sacrifice (POLL)?

I would choose to live with god. If you are truly eternally tormented, I don't think you'd even be able to appreciate your loved ones. Unless your idea of eternal torment is different than mine. And ceasing to exist at all is a much better alternative to eternal suffering, so I feel that option is kinda funny.

Gles: good, bad, or simply not a cure (just a support)?

Gles are not a cure for either far-sighted (hyperopic) or near-sighted (Myopic) vision. They just change the vergeance of the light entering the eye so that the image can form more clearly on the retina. Though they interact with the eyes and their function, they do not make things worse or better (i.e they do not lessen the degree of myopia or hyperopia). Gles that have the proper power for an individual, do not induce "un-natural" accommodation. I am an optometrist for 15 years now.

Does anyone know where i can but remington firearms espeialy riles in victoria closer to geelong.?

i'd like to find a store the sells remington bolt action rifles eg. the 700 model. closest to geelong. thanks

Which mural should i get? linkkk?

i think a mural behind a zebra bedspread would be too much and be too distracting. but probably the city one would look best.

What is the Catholic Church hiding when it makes its clergy swear not to reveal anything that might bring harm?

All priests keep the secret of the confessional and the courts have upheld it. If I confess my sins to a priest I can rest ured he will never divulge my sins to anyone. Even if I murder someone and tell the priest he cannot divulge anything I've told him in confession to the authorities. This is the secrets they keep.

How do I stop being such a hypochondriac?

I seriously worry about EVERYTHING. I get an open wound and was convinced that I had HIV I saw a laser (indirectly) and was convinced I would go blind. I freaked out about getting pneumonia and scared about having MRSA. Headache- brain tumor. Stomach ache- stomach or pancreatic cancer. Eyes are uncomfortable- I'm gonna go blind. Ears itchy- I'm gonna go deaf. Now I'm currently obsessing about getting a brain tumor because I ate 4 pieces of sugar free gum which contined asphratame.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Do you think Kid Cudi is a good rapper?

Of Course There are better rappers but none of them can match up to kid cudi's creativity, and his pion. i mean his music is so beautiful at times

Chinese New Year help.?

I need to know what I'm supposed to say when I receive red envelopes. It's "Sun leen fai lok" and there are more things to say. Any chinese speakers out there that can help me?

Can i trust my etickets that i bought from an online broker?

I recently bought some tickets for a sade concert from an online broker and there is someone elses name on the tickets. The tickets are actually the whole page? And it says on the page do not copy the tickets because they can only be used once. My question is can I trust these tickets and what do I do if these tickets have been sold more then once?

Looking for a fun, family restaurant in St. Louis, MO.?

Hey, my wife, nine month old daughter and I are coming to St. Louis later this month, and we're looking for some fun family restaurants. I found "Fritz's Root Beer" on the internet, and was wondering if there were any other family friends fun restaurants that are original to St. Louis.

Pilates 20 min work out, did you loose inche/weight?

im going to start it today and i was wondering if it will help me loose inches. i just had a baby 2mths ago and i need to loose 23 lbs to get back to normal size. im in american eagle size 8 and usta be in size 6. i need to get back in those 6's. help me. i know it will help but what will it help most, inche or weight. have you used it, if so how much/many inches did you loose.

How much would you ask for?

For a 3 year old Maytag Neptune Washer and Maytag Neptune Drying Center (the one with the upper cabinet for steaming/air drying/ deodorizing/etc)? The buyer of our house wants us to sell them to him and we're not sure what they're worth.

Is the number of countries boycotting the Anti-Racist Conference racist in itself and nullifies the process?

Why is Brown attending - his administration has made it almost illegal to even speak to non-Brits already.

How can a women tell if a guy is using pheromones to attract her??

Well, pheromones can't be smelled, tasted, felt, heard, or seen.. So I wouldn't know how she could tell.

What is this office tool called?

When I worked at a print shop I had to collate pages by hand, and it was easier to grab the paper when I wiped my finger on a little cake of something - it was kinda of waxy - but it was an office supply tool they used to help paper handling. It makes your fingers grab paper easier. I think bank tellers use it too. I need to get something for helping me separate sheets of paper -- does anyone know what this is called. I think it might be glycerin or something? If I knew what it was called I could probably find it. Thanks

For those who know about RC HELICOPTERS only?

i have an rc chopper. when i charge it and start it , after reaching a certain speed , the blades stop and the heli says the battery is low . but if i continue spinning the blades below the flying speed , the battery does not does not discharge. WHAT IS WRONG ?

Por qu� tengo ganas de suicidarme?

You may find it more helpful to post your question in the link at the bottom of the page for the language you are using. Good Luck.

What do you think of the new study that found watermelon to have the same effects as viagra?

a href="http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/life/stories/2008/07/04/2_VIAGRA_WATERMELON.ART_ART_07-04-08_D4_TOALHE1.html?sid=101" rel="nofollow"http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/lif…/a

Should I stop inviting her?

Your friend may have some anxiety or confidence issues. It sounds like she really wants to fit it and wants people to like her - getting great snacks for the group. Instead of ditching this person, maybe try an activity in which she is the "expert" and let her lead the activity. This could help her build confidence. Also, just show her that you consider her a friend and she will probably begin to feel more confortable and relaxed in time which will result in her particpating more and having fun instead of being so self conscious. Give her a chance. Everyone needs friends and needs to feel like they belong. Maybe you can be the one to show other people how to treat this person - with respect, kindess and appreciation for her uniqueness.

Partner lied. How to approach it?

Tell your partner to man up and tell this punk to get his own rides for now on. Also let your partner know that you never want to be lied to again.

Will there be a lockout season in 2011 for the NFL?

Ive been herring alot about this lately and I know this year is an uncapped year so what do ya guys think?

Why Christians and Muslims are so alike?

It wouldn't be difficult to find atheists that at least appear to strongly believe everyone should be ruled by "their system..." If muslims truly loved Jesus they wouldn't teach that he was a lying blasphemer (i.e. that he was actually only a man who didn't die on the cross).

What can I do after a 2 year Conservatory Acting proragmm?

You cannot get an MFA or MA without first getting a bachelors. Most non-degree programs are meant to put you out into the working world to get professional gigs. Use the contacts you made in the conservatory to start working, or go get a 4 year bachelors degree.

I need help with rifle models. Plz take a look?

i myself would look into getting a tikka t3 hunter but i only no so much about that gun, i have the t3 lite synthetic in 22\250 but id say that your best bet in my opion would be to look into the browning A-Bolts

I changed the battery and alternator, but my car still dies after I start it?

I have a 94 buick lesabre. I had a tune up 6 months ago, it has a new battery, and a new alternator, but when I let off of the gas my car dies. It sputters a lot when I press on the gas. Help

Have we given Obama another free p about Wright?

The only time the Wright thing will die down is when the voters wise up and send Obama back to Illinois where he belongs. I'm tired of listening to his lies.

Ramadan: Correct me if i am wrong in uming that ........................?

Can you be any more dumber? Words cannot express what absolute c**p you have just written. You need to go back to a proper school mate. HEHEHEHEHE

Does anyone know the recipe for "Outback's Appetizer, (Hot) Spinach & Artichoke Dip"?

I am desperately in search of the recipe or one similar to the Outback Steakhouse's Spinach Artichoke Dip, I have searched online and can't seem to find it myself. I had it just last night and it was beyond amazing!!! The thing I like about it the most, is according to the answer our waiter replied with when questioned, is that it DOES NOT contain any mayonnaise, cream cheese or sour cream... because I can't stomach any of them. I know that it obviously had spinach, minced garlic, artichokes, Parmesan cheese, (some other cheeses- I cant remember what cheeses the waiter told me but to the best of my knowledge, there is no mozzarella in it) and some herbs, but don't know which ones... can someone PLEASE HELP ME!!! I am craving it like you wouldn't believe!!! I would appreciate any and all help I can get... Thank you! xoxHugsAnKisses